Within and Without

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  Luxury was a thing almost unknown in the days of my infancy. The standard of living was then, as a whole, much more simple than it is now. Apart from that, the children of our household were entirely free from the fuss of being too much looked after. The fact is that, while the process of looking after may be an occasional treat for the guardians, to the children it is always an unmitigated nuisance.
  We used to be under the rule of the servants. To save themselves trouble they had almost suppressed our right of free movement. But the freedom of not being petted made up even for the harshness of this bondage, for our minds were left clear of the toils of constant coddling, pampering and dressing-up.
  Our food had nothing to do with delicacies. A list of our articles of clothing would only invite the modern boy’s scorn. On no pretext did we wear socks or shoes till we had passed our tenth year. In the cold weather a second cotton tunic over the first one sufficed. It never entered our heads to consider ourselves illoff for that reason. It was only when old Niyamat, the tailor, would forget to put a pocket into one of our tunics that we complained, for no boy has yet been born so poor as not to have the wherewithal to stuff his pockets; nor, by a merciful dispensation of providence, is there much difference between the wealth of boys of rich and of poor parentage. We used to have a pair of slippers each, but not always where we had our feet. Our habit of kicking the slippers on ahead, and catching them up again, made them work none the less hard, through effectually defeating at every step the reason of their being.
  Our elders were in every way at a great distance from us, in their dress and food, living and doing, conversation and amusement. We caught glimpses of these, but they were beyond our reach. Elders have become cheap to modern children; they are too readily accessible, and so are all objects of desire. Nothing ever came so easily to us. Many a trivial thing was for us a rarity, and we lived mostly in the hope of attaining, when we were old enough, the things which the distant future held in trust for us. The result was that what little we did get we enjoyed to the utmost; from skin to core nothing was thrown away. The modern child of a well-to-do family nibbles at only half the things he gets; the greater part of his world is wasted on him.   Our days were spent in the servants’ quarters in the south-east corner of the outer apartments. One of our servants was Shyam, a dark chubby boy with curly locks, hailing from the District of Khulna. He would put me into a selected spot and, tracing a chalk line all round, warn me with solemn face and uplifted finger of the perils of transgressing this ring. Whether the threatened danger was material or spiritual I never fully understood, but a great fear used to possess me. I had read in the Ramayana of the tribulations of Sita for having left the ring drawn by Lakshman, so it was not possible for me to be sceptical of its potency.
  Just below the window of this room was a tank with a flight of masonry steps leading down into the water; on its west bank, along the garden wall, an immense banyan tree; to the south a fringe of cocoanut palms. Ringed round as I was near this window I would spend the whole day peering through the drawn Venetian shutters, gazing and gazing on this scene as on a picture book. From early morning our neighbours would drop in one by one to have their bath. I knew the time for each one to arrive. I was familiar with the peculiarities of each one’s toilet. One would stop up his ears with his fingers as he took his regulation number of dips, after which he would depart. Another would not venture on a complete immersion but be content with only squeezing his wet towel repeatedly over his head. A third would carefully drive the surface impurities away from him with a rapid play of his arms, and then on a sudden impulse take his plunge. There was one who jumped in from the top steps without any preliminaries at all. Another would walk slowly in, step by step, muttering his morning prayers the while. One was always in a hurry, hastening home as soon as he was through with his dip. Another was in no sort of hurry at all, taking his bath leisurely, followed with a good rubdown, and a change from wet bathing clothes into clean ones, including a careful adjustment of the folds of his waist cloth, ending with a turn or two in the outer① garden, and the gathering of flowers, with which he would finally saunter slowly homewards, radiating the cool comfort of his refreshed body, as he went. This would go on till it was past noon. Then the bathing places would be deserted and become silent. Only the ducks remained, paddling about after water snails, or busy preening their feathers, the live-long day.
  When solitude thus reigned over the water, my whole attention would be drawn to the shadows under the banyan tree. Some of its aerial roots, creeping down along its trunk, had formed a dark complication of coils at its base. It seemed as if into this mysterious region the laws of the universe had not found entrance; as if some old-world dream-land had escaped the divine vigilance and lingered on into the light of modern day. Whom I used to see there, and what those beings did, it is not possible to express in intelligible language. It was about this banyan tree that I wrote later :   With tangled roots hanging down from your branches, O ancient banyan tree,
  You stand still day and night, like an ascetic at his penances,
  Do you ever remember the child whose fancy played with your shadows?
  Alas! That banyan tree is no more, nor the piece of water which served to mirror the majestic forest-lord! Many of those who used to bathe there have also followed into oblivion the shade of the banyan tree. And that boy, grown older, is counting the alternations of light and darkness which penetrate the complexities with which the roots he has thrown off on all sides have encircled him.
  Going out of the house was forbidden to us, in fact we had not even the freedom of all its parts. We perforce took our peeps at nature from behind the barriers. Beyond my reach there was this limitless thing called the Outside, of which flashes and sounds and scents used momentarily to come and touch me through its interstices. It seemed to want to play with me through the bars with so many gestures. But it was free and I was bound——there was no way of meeting. So the attraction was all the stronger. The chalk line has been wiped away today, but the confining ring is still there. The distant is just as distant, the outside is still beyond me;and I am reminded of the poem I wrote when I was older:
  The tame bird was in a cage, the free bird was in the forest,
  They met when the time came, it was a decree of fate.
  The free bird cries, "O my love, let us fly to wood."
  The cage bird whispers, "Come hither, let us both live in the cage."
  Says the free bird, "Among bars, where is there room to spread one’s wings?"
  "Alas," cries the cage bird, "I should not know where to sit perched in the sky."
  The parapets of our terraced roofs were higher than my head. When I had grown taller; when the tyranny of the servants had relaxed; when, with the coming of a newly married bride into the house, I had achieved some recognition as a companion of her leisure, then did I sometimes come up to the terrace in the middle of the day. By that time everybody in the house would have finished their meal; there would be an interval in the business of the household; over the inner apartments would rest the quiet of the midday siesta; the wet bathing clothes would be hanging over the parapets to dry; the crows would be picking at the leavings thrown on the refuse heap at the corner of the yard; in the solitude of that interval the caged bird would, through the gaps in the parapet, commune bill to bill with the free bird!
清晨,八点左右。  还是像往常一样“早上的窝最暖”。  矇眬中,听见外面“梆梆梆”的声音,以为是学校里永不停歇的装修事业又开始了。过往遇到这种情况,每次都要抱怨这些装修工人为什么那么勤劳,七八点就开始兴奋地劳作,放板子和相互间呼喊的声音像要把整个地球都叫醒,而我犹如躲在地窖中听到有人向里面扔铁具,铁具撞击封闭空间墙壁的声音要把耳膜脑膜都震碎。如今已经习惯了这样的频率,只因日复一日地逼着自己把芜杂的
仿佛云烟  我们总爱在无影的时间里  重寻旧时曾喜欢过的许多情物事  例如:在二十一世纪的某一天某一刻  在新址新貌的一家旧名餐厅  細觅它二十世纪时曾有的所谓风采  咀嚼眼前这道葱烧鲷鱼的同时  我们也在咀嚼经已消散的数十年岁月  端起绝非昔日米薯熬煮的满碗地瓜稀饭  今日能够细数的  可能只有  飘晃着那仿佛的流光里  一丝半缕的仿佛云烟秘 密  ——玮玮的话  妈妈  这些花都在唱歌  你听
I love the winter sun spreading out behind the morning haze. I love the pervading calm and peace of the moment as well as the light and warmth quietly brought by the sun.  I love to saunter in the spr
摘 要:本文主要针对电动汽车减速器齿轮传递误差影响因素开展研究。由于制造与安装误差、运行中受力变形以及齿面的微观修形等,齿轮不能在全齿面上共轭接触,齿轮啮合点会偏离理论啮合线一定距离,从而产生传动误差,成为齿轮振动噪声的主要激励源。本文以减速器斜齿圆柱齿轮为例,研究其传递误差影响因素,降低传递误差峰-峰值至0.1μm水平,并以某款电动车减速器一级齿轮副为例进行仿真优化及整车车内噪声验证。  关键词
还记得《儿子的大玩偶》第三段《苹果的滋味》吗?  建筑工人被美军撞伤,一家生计顿陷绝境,却在美军的赔偿下,一家人尝到了美援苹果的滋味。黄春明的原著以曲笔描写贫苦小民遇上优势强权的文化碰撞,万仁则是钻进了美国驻台湾办事处的厕所里,透过小朋友的卫生纸游戏,用光鲜亮丽的白净,用苦中作乐的嬉戏,对照了贫穷工人的破落。在那个让人莞尔一笑的场景中,竟然也有些许说不出口的鼻酸。  还记得《油麻菜籽》吗?  在那
我们惯于把脸丢给镜子  不管什么脸 即用即丢  镜子从来不拒绝  唯独盲女的脸  始终由自己拿捏  十七岁那张脸  沉入镜底后  再也不见浮现  盲女不知我傷感  只顾转动她的盲眼  镜子警觉  一张不变的脸  (选自新加坡《五月诗刊》第41期)
摘 要:为克服现有技术的不足而提供一种通用性强、操作简单、整体轻便、移动方便、功能完善、安全性高、故障率低的儿童约束系统翻转试验台。本文首先对儿童约束系统翻转试验台的设计要求进行了分析,其次对该试验台的机械结构与电控系统进行了设计,最后通过实际试验,验证了该试验台设计的正确性及其工作的可靠性;并总结出了此试验台的创新点,对同类型试验台的设计具有很好的参考价值。  关键词:通用性强;儿童约束系统;翻
摘 要:在项目之初,先对市场进行调研、预测,针对主要客户群体规划好产品生命周期里的车型,然后设计人员根据所有车型功能、性能和配置的定义全面地规划设计各系统,让专用件最少、生产整车的效率更高,且整车收益更高,这个过程就是汽车模块化设计过程。  关键词:市场预测;整车规划;模块化;边界整合  中图分类号:TH163 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-2550(2015)04-0030-04  Abs
小时候,还没开始认字,就喜欢听母亲说故事。《白蛇传》《西游记》《封神榜》,都是听来的。母亲说故事的能力很好,这些故事大概也是她从小就听来的。家中长辈会有说不完的故事,街头巷尾,也有大家说不完的传说。庙口瞎子,拿一把三弦,叮叮咚咚,唱的、说的,也是“三国”“水浒”“封神”,戏台上反反复复演的,也还是民众早已耳熟能详的这些传说。  “传唱”如果也是“文学”,应该比文字“书写”早得多,“听”也比“阅读”
秋风婆婆的脚步,轻轻地走过石狮子旁边的芒果树。树叶孩子随着婆婆的衣摆飘动,唱起秋天的歌来。  石狮子所负责看守的,是一间历史悠久的土地公庙。  土地公庙拜拜时抽的木签很特别,它是插在红木筒里的桐木条,前端刻着黑色的字,抽出来就可以看到是“吉”还是“凶”。  签筒里面的木签们,正在小声地聊着天。  “你们看,那个拜得很虔诚的鬈发太太,她会抽到我们中间的哪一支呢?”小吉二号说。  “她看起来好像在担心