
来源 :中国职工教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:troy0215
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自1984年全国总工会作出把基层工会建设成为职工之家的决定以来,电力系统建家活动取得了丰硕成果,一大批基层工会先后跨入了全国和省级模范职工之家行列,有力地提升了工会工作整体水平,促进了电力企业改革和发展。但随着电力体制改革和企业用工、分配多元化等变化,人们对建家工作的认识淡化,导致部分基层工会建家的积极性不高,常建常新的后劲不足。那么,在新的形势下如何深入开展建家活动?笔者认为,必须牢固树立“建家就是建企业”的理念,把建会、建家、建制有机结合起来,坚持与时俱进,齐抓共建,才能把建家活动提高到一个新水平,推进工会工作创新发展。 Since 1984, when the All-China Federation of Trade Unions decided to set up a grass-roots trade union as a home for workers, great achievements have been made in power system construction. A large number of grassroots trade unions stepped into the ranks of model workers at home and abroad successively and effectively, The overall level of trade union work, and promote the reform and development of power enterprises. However, with the changes in the power system and the employment of enterprises and the diversification of distribution, people’s awareness of building a home has been weakened, resulting in the enthusiasm of some grass-roots labor unions to build their own homes and their lack of staying power. So, under the new situation how to carry out the activity of building a house in depth? The author believes that we must firmly establish the concept of “building a home is a business”, combine the establishment of a society, the establishment of a family, and the establishment of a system, and insist on keeping pace with the times, If we jointly build together, we can raise the activity of building a home to a new level and push forward the innovation and development of trade union work.
参政议政是中国共产党领导的多党合作制度的重要实践,也是衡量民主党派工作成绩的重要标准。多年来,民进太原市委会在 Participation in politics is an important practice
说起黑社会,大多数正常生活中的北京市民,也许无法感知,但对于那些曾经遭遇侵害和在黑恶阴影覆盖下生活的百姓来说,那种担忧和恐惧却是刻骨铭心的。 When it comes to triad
战病魔,除害群之马,斗黑恶势力,他仿佛有无尽的能量,在人生的各个乐章总能奏出最强音。 Combat disease, remove the group of horses, fight the evil forces, he seems to
有一种精神,总是让人感动,它就是坚强。一个柔弱的女子,面临重重厄运,选择了坚强,这一路,已经走了九年,她还要走一辈子。 There is a spirit, always moving, it is strong.
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