胶样小体(Colloid bodies)又称Civatte氏小体或透明小体。常见于扁平苔藓和红斑狼疮病损组织的上皮基底层或上皮下浅层结缔组织内。关于它的来源和性质目前说法不一。本文对某些口腔疾患病损组织中出现的胶样小体,进行了组织病理学及免疫病理学
Colloid bodies are also called Civatte bodies or transparent bodies. Common in lichen planus and lupus erythematosus lesions in the epithelial basal layer or superficial superficial connective tissue. There are different opinions about its origin and nature. In this article, the histopathology and immunopathology of colloid-like bodies appearing in the tissues of certain oral lesions were studied.