文化缺省(cultural default)是指具有共同的文化背景知识(shared background knowledge)或语用前提(pragmatic presupposition)的语言交际者之间为提高交际效率而将对双方来说不言而喻或不言自明的部分文化信息省去的一种具有鲜明文化特征的交际现象。正确处理汉荚双语转换过程中的这种现象对帮助英语读者尽可能准确理解源文意图或者是传播中国文化无疑有着重要的作用.本文重点讨论了汉英双语转换中的对于文化缺省现象的几种处理方式。
Cultural default refers to the language communicators who share a common background knowledge of culture or pragmatic presupposition that is self-evident or self-evident to both parties in order to increase communication efficiency Part of the cultural information to save a distinctive cultural characteristics of the communicative phenomenon. Correctly handling this phenomenon during the process of bilingual conversion of Chinese pods undoubtedly plays an important role in helping English readers to interpret the source text as accurately as possible or to spread Chinese culture.This article focuses on the cultural defaults in bilingual translation of Chinese and English Several ways to deal with.