师:上节课我们讲到,由于王明“左”倾冒险主义错误的危害,造成第五次反“围剿”失利。红军损失惨重,中央根据地日益缩小,革命陷入严重危机。1934年10月中旬,中央红军被迫撤出根据地,开始实行战略大转移——长征。 [评:概述上节课內容,引出新课题。体现了新旧教材的联系。] 师:今天我们学习这一章的第二节《中国工农红军的长征》。 (板书:一、长征开始) 师:1934年10月,中央红军(一方面军)八万多人
Teacher: As we mentioned in the last lesson, the fifth “anti-encirclement and suppression” campaign has failed due to the wrong adventurism of Wang Ming’s “Leftist”. The Red Army suffered heavy losses, the central base was shrinking day by day, and the revolution was in a serious crisis. In mid-October 1934, the Central Red Army was forced to withdraw from the base area and began to implement a major strategic shift - the Long March. [Comment: Overview of the contents of the lesson, leading to a new topic. Reflects the old and new teaching materials. ] Teacher: Today we study the second section of this chapter, “The Long March of the Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants.” (Blackboard: First, the Long March) Teacher: In October 1934, the Central Red Army (more than 80,000 people)