第1题 1995年人类在太阳系以外首次发现绕恒星公转的行星,此后,又相继发现了一百五十多颗在太阳系以外的行星,检测出这些太阳系以外的行星的原理可以理解为,质量为M的恒星和质量为 m 的行星(M>m),在它们之间的万有引力作用下有规则地运动着,如图1所示,我们认为行星在以某一定点 C 为中心、半径为 a 的圆周上做匀速圆周运动(注意:图1中没有表示出恒星),设万有引力常量为 G.恒星以及行星的大小忽略不计。Ⅰ.如图1所示,行星在逆时针轨道上进行公转,恒星与行星间的万有引力为行星做圆周运动提供向心力。
Question 1 In 1995, when humans first discovered orbiting planets beyond the solar system, more than 150 other planets outside the solar system have been discovered since then. The principle of detecting these extrasolar planets can be understood as being of mass The stars of M and the planets of mass m (M> m) move regularly under the universal gravitation between them. As shown in Figure 1, we consider that the planet is centered on a certain fixed point C with a radius of a (Note: the star is not shown in Figure 1), let the gravitational constant be G. The magnitude of stars and planets is negligible. Ⅰ. As shown in Figure 1, planets revolve counter-clockwise orbit. The gravitational attraction between stars and planets provides a centripetal force for the planets to perform circular motions.