(1924—2003 年)原中国美术学院中国画系教授原吴茀之艺术研究会会长张岳健出生于浙江浦江,立足浙派,取法宽广,博采众长,融会贯通,是中国画的多面手,擅长意笔花鸟,兼善人物、山水、书法。他近师潘天寿、吴茀之、齐白石诸家,远追青藤、八大、石涛遗意,所缋花鸟,造型简练概括,笔墨简炼遒劲,构图饱满别有奇趣;山水承海派,或润含春雨,或秋风劲草,多有源
(1924-2003) former professor of Chinese Academy of Fine Arts professor of Chinese painting Zhang Wu, former president of the Art Research Society Zhang Yuejian was born in Zhejiang Pujiang, Zhejiang-based, take a broad approach, learn from others, mastery, is a versatile Chinese painting, good at pen and ink, good people, landscapes ,calligraphy. His master Pan Tianshou, Wu Xunzhi, Qi Baishi various families, Yuanchaoqingtong, eight, Shi Tao leftovers, the birds and flowers, modeling concise summary, pen and ink concise and powerful, composition full of other interesting; landscape bearing school, or Run containing Spring rain, or fresh autumn wind grass, and more active