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电控箱的性能对煤矿的安全高效开采起着关键的作用。电控箱由于水蒸气进入造成的积水问题,经常导致变频器烧毁,给煤矿的安全生产带来较大隐患。分析了电控箱积水原因,并提出增加防爆栅栏的解决方案,具有很好的应用和推广价值。 The performance of electric control box plays a key role in the safe and efficient mining of coal mines. Electric control box due to water vapor into the water caused by the problem, often lead to the inverter burned, to the safety of coal mines bring greater risks. Analysis of the reasons for the accumulation of electric control box, and put forward to increase the solution of explosion-proof fence, with good application and promotion value.
白开水不含热量,而且含有钙质,不会刺激肠胃,不用消化就能为人体直接吸收利用,是最好的饮品。从营养学观点出发,白开水对身体最有益。  人体约75%重量都是水,水延续着我们的生命。喝水则是补充自身细胞内水份和微量元素的方式之一。人体每天所需水分约1450至2800毫升,虽然人们每天都在饮水,但是你知道吗,饮水也是门学问。  如何科学饮水  有些人以为,只有口干舌燥才需要补水。其实口渴时才喝水多半为时已