1 欧洲的措施 发展交通、交通拥堵、交通安全与交通环保等是世界性问题,对交通发达的欧洲来说,也不例外。在这些问题上,欧洲的一些做法是: 1.1 欧盟综合考虑多管齐下发展交通 1.1.1刺激铁路发展。发展铁路交通的优先领域是开放国际和国内市场,避免火车空跑。从2003年开始,欧委会将提出系列措施在定期和准时两方面增加火车的可信度。 1.1.2提高公路运输质量。公路交通最大便利条件是灵活性及低价格,但也
1 European measures The development of traffic, traffic jams, traffic safety and transportation and environmental protection are worldwide problems. For developed Europe, this is no exception. On these issues, some of the approaches in Europe are: 1.1 The EU takes into consideration the multi-pronged approach to developing transport 1.1.1 Stimulating railway development. The priority area for developing rail traffic is to open up international and domestic markets and avoid trains running empty. Since 2003, the European Commission will propose a series of measures to increase the credibility of the train on both regular and punctual basis. 1.1.2 improve the quality of road transport. The greatest convenience to road transport is flexibility and low prices, but also