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曼谷科学博物馆位于公园中,与现有的天文馆相接。周围将逐渐兴建其它建筑物,形成一个综合性的科技与展览中心。基地上的树木和水池都尽可能予以保留,统一在公园规划设计中。这是一座现代化的科学馆。按照功能要求,空间安排上要有较大的灵活性——这是建筑师在设计中始终思索的问题,也是这个科学馆引人入胜的关键所在整个建筑物仿佛是一个透明体,是一个开放性的、可被认识的机构,而不是一个封闭的、不可亲近的研究机关。即使是供内部使用的研究、实验室或办公室,也都可迅速找到和到达。科学馆的北面濒临水池,临池设有休息平台。观众入口布置在西南角的一个斜挑着的大雨篷下面,显得十分突出。从剖面上可以看到,这个“大雨篷”的内部,是一个讲堂和两个阶梯教室,它们巧妙地利用 The Bangkok Science Museum is located in the park and connects with the existing planetarium. Around the building will gradually build other buildings to form a comprehensive technology and exhibition center. The trees and pools on the base are kept as far as possible and unified in the planning and design of the park. This is a modern science museum. In terms of functional requirements, there must be greater flexibility in spatial arrangements - this is an issue that architects always ponder over in their designs. It is also the key to this science museum’s attraction. The entire building is like a transparent body and is an open one. An organization that can be recognized, not a closed, inaccessible research institution. Even research, laboratories or offices for internal use can be quickly found and arrived. The north of the Science Museum is on the verge of the pool, and Linchi has a rest platform. The entrance of the audience is located under a cantilevered canopy in the southwest corner, which is very prominent. From the section you can see that the interior of this “big rain awning” is a lecture hall and two amphitheatre classrooms, which are skillfully used
<正> 有些地区470MHz有线电视系统使用75Ω同轴电缆进行干线、分线传输,分线放大器常在夏季雷电中因感应雷击而击穿损坏。本文通过对感应雷击基本原理的分析,提出防感应雷击
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
胆石症是中老年常见的多发病症 ,部分青年也有患此病者。笔者自 1 998年开始采用MLL— 1脉冲胆道治疗仪及耳压穴疗法治疗胆石症 86例 ,疗效较好 ,现总结报道如下 :1 临床资料 :