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法国卢浮宫收藏的达·芬奇名画《圣母子与圣安娜》被指修复过度。这幅价值1.6亿英镑的画作被修复后,因“与原作相比太明亮”而大受质疑。这一事件引发了关于名画修复的热烈讨论。经过几个世纪的辗转,名画往往会失去当初的模样,需要“整容”。历史上,有不少世界名画被专业人员修复过,有些修复获得了很高的赞誉,也有些被指毁灭经典。 Leonardo da Vinci ’s famous collection “Virgin and Child and Santa Ana” in the Louvre in France are accused of overreaching. This £ 160 million painting, after being restored, is highly questioned due to “too bright” compared to the original. This incident led to a heated discussion about the restoration of famous paintings. After centuries of removal, famous paintings often lose their original look and require “cosmetic ”. Historically, many world famous paintings have been restored by professionals, some have gained high praise, and some have been accused of destroying the classic.