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鸦片战争后,中国半殖民地化进一步加深,西方近代化的邮政、交通等管理制度随之传入中国。光绪二十三年(1897年),清总理衙门主管大臣奕根据海关总税务司赫德的请求,奏准创办大清邮政官局。未久,全国内陆各省陆续开办现代邮政,以取代过去陈旧的驿递方式。新疆地处西北边陲,其文报传递历来靠军塘、台站。宣统年间筹备立宪,推行新政,统治者为了加强对全国各地的控制,加快信息的传递,决定对新疆地区落后的驿传制度进行改革。有关新疆开办近代邮政的具体情况,以往文献记载不详,现从馆藏档案中选岀几件有关史料,对了解新疆邮政之初办情形有一定助益。 After the Opium War, the semi-colonialization of China further deepened, Western modern postal administration, transportation and other management systems were introduced to China. Twenty-three years Guangxu (1897), Minister Yamen of the Qing Dynasty’s Yamen, acting under the request of General Department of Customs and Excise, Hurd, initiated the establishment of the Qing Post Office. It has not been long before the various landlocked provinces in the country opened modern postal services to replace the old postal delivery methods. Xinjiang is located in the northwestern border, its text has always been by Jun Tong, station. In preparation for the establishment of constitutional monarchy during the reign of Xuantong, the New Deal was implemented. In order to strengthen control over all parts of the country and speed up the transmission of information, the rulers decided to reform the backward postal delivery system in Xinjiang. As for the specific circumstances of the establishment of modern postal service in Xinjiang, the historical records are not well-known. We have selected some relevant historical materials from the archives of the Tibet Autonomous Region and are of some help to understand the initial situation of the postal service in Xinjiang.
近年来,基因工程种种令人惊异的伟大发现在实际应用中取得了相当大的成就。苹果和鱼“嫁接”, 这事儿没什幺可让人吃惊的。研究人员先从耐寒的比目鱼身上提取一个抗冻基因,再
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香港威尔士医院的 6 6名男性患者和 72名女性患者。其中 6 9名为医护人员。最普遍的症状包括发热 (10 0 %都出现 ) ;寒颤、冷战、或两者兼有 (73 2 % ) ;肌痛 (6 0 9% )。报