对11例机械通气2周以上、经临床及 X 线确诊为 BPDⅡ~Ⅲ期的早产儿应用地塞米松治疗。治疗后肺功能状态迅速改善,呼吸系统总顺应性明显提高,呼吸机参数随之降低,治疗前后各指标差异显著,并在治疗后3~11天撤机,无病情反复,治疗期间各项监测指标正常。提示 BPD 早期阶段应用地塞米松治疗可减轻肺水肿,迅速改善肺功能,对减少慢性肺疾病有积极作用。
11 cases of mechanical ventilation for more than 2 weeks, clinically and X-ray diagnosis of BPD Ⅱ ~ Ⅲ premature children dexamethasone treatment. After treatment, the state of pulmonary function improved rapidly, the total respiratory compliance increased significantly, and the parameters of ventilator decreased. Before and after treatment, the indexes differed significantly. The patients were weaned from 3 to 11 days after treatment without recurrence of symptoms. During the treatment, The index is normal. Prompt application of dexamethasone early stage of BPD can reduce pulmonary edema, rapid improvement of lung function, reduce chronic lung disease have a positive effect.