深圳市设立政府公物仓取得了明显成效。据统计,深圳市政府公物仓自1996年底开始运作至今,共接收各执法部门上缴罚没物资152批,价值2.1亿元,先后委托市政府指定的拍卖行进行了146次公开拍卖,使其增值1970万元,为国家避免了1280多万元的财政收入流失。 长期以来,在罚没物资的处理上,存在着不少问题,如少数执法机关违反规定
Shenzhen government public warehouse has achieved remarkable results. According to statistics, the public hall of the Shenzhen Municipal Government has operated since the end of 1996 and has received 152 batches of penalties, valued at 210 million yuan, from law enforcement departments. It has commissioned the auction houses designated by the municipal government to conduct 146 public auctions to increase value 1970 Million, for the country to avoid the loss of more than 1280 million in revenue. For a long time, there have been many problems in the handling of confiscated goods. For example, a few law enforcement agencies violated the provisions