
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sky11731
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社会主义市场经济的逐步确立,军事后勤面临着新的挑战和机遇。我军后勤必须改变自成体系、自我服务的保障模式,与市场经济体制接轨,建立起适应市场多元化结构的后勤保障新格局。一是在后勤建设上,加快军队通用物资的标准化、规范化建设,利用市场资源共享的优势,依托社会财富,建立起军民兼容、平战通用、寓军于民的保障体系;二是在保障体制上,建立物资供应中心,完善医疗、修理协作保障区,实行三军联供、各兵种统供的保障模式;同时,充分发挥国民经济中包含的军事保障功能和军队后勤包含的民用功能,成立军地联合实体,适应平战需要。 With the gradual establishment of a socialist market economy, military logistics is facing new challenges and opportunities. Our army's logistic must change the self-contained and self-serving mode of protection and integrate with the market economy system to establish a new pattern of logistics support that meets the diversified market structure. First, on the logistical basis, we should speed up the standardization and standardization of the general supplies of military forces, make use of the advantages of market resource sharing and relying on social wealth to establish a guarantee system that allows both military and civilian compatibility, peacetime and military operations, and integrates the military with the people. Second, The establishment of a material supply center, the improvement of medical care and repair of cooperative security areas and the implementation of the support model for the supply and demand of the three armed forces and all branches of the armed forces. At the same time, the military functions included in the national economy and the civil functions contained in the military logistics are fully utilized and the military establishment Joint entities to meet the needs of peacetime.
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张泉灵——亲爱的晨华  昨天,我“不小心”看到你的网页浏览记录。你七岁,刚开始学会自己用电脑搜索这个世界,你还不知道消除浏览记录的方法和必要性,你还和我共用一个电脑。你的浏览记录:1.哥伦比亚号航天飞机失事;2.玉兔还会醒来吗;3.航天员是怎样在太空拉屎的;4.猎户座的红巨星。  我当然笑了。你的好奇心离你的现实世界那么远。  关注离我们非常非常遥远的事情,并不去问“这有什么用”。这,多么好!世界