烟台市福山区始终把加强农业放在经济工作的首位,不断加大财政支农力度,近年来,农业投入年均递增20%以上,促进了农村经济的发展,增加了地方财政收入。去年,农民人均纯收入达2758元,地方财政收入达7300万元,分别比上年增长28.9%和26%。 “第一枝春果”红起来 福山素有“水果之乡”的美誉。其地方特产福山大樱桃更是果中珍品,它每年的5月中旬即可上市,被誉为“北方第一枝春果”.
Fushan District, Yantai City, has always placed emphasis on agriculture in the first place in economic work and continuously increased its efforts in supporting agriculture. In recent years, the annual investment in agriculture has increased by more than 20% each year, which has promoted the development of the rural economy and increased local revenue. Last year, the per capita net income of farmers reached 2,758 yuan and the local fiscal revenue reached 73 million yuan, up by 28.9% and 26% over the previous year respectively. “The first branch of spring,” red together. Fukuyama known as “hometown of fruit” in the world. Its local specialty Fukuyama cherry is the fruit treasures, it can be listed every year in mid-May, known as “the first spring in the north.”