《规程》指出:“幼儿园的教学活动是有目的、有计划的引导幼儿的多种形式的教育过程”。幼儿教育应灵活地运用集体活动、小组活动及个别活动的形式,为幼儿提供充分的活动机会,注重活动过程,促进每个幼儿在不同水平上的发展。 针对幼儿园的教学改革,我们对如何开展幼儿分组教学活动,进行了探讨。 一、要开展分组教学活动,首先必须了解本班幼儿各方面的发展水平 根据各班幼儿发展水平的差异,教师在备课中针对各组幼儿特点,设计不同的要求和教学方法,提供不同的教学辅助工具。如:语言课的分组教学应首先了解幼儿的发音状况,语言表达能力强、弱及幼儿的开口、发言等情况;美工活动中,应了解幼儿喜欢画、粘、剪、折、捏等情况;游戏课中应了解好动幼儿情况等等。在活动中教师应做到心中有数,这样才能满足幼儿的
The Statute states: “Kindergarten teaching is a purposeful and planned multi-pronged educational process that guides young children.” Early childhood education should be flexibly used in the form of group activities, group activities and individual activities to provide young children with adequate opportunities for activities, pay attention to the activities and promote the development of each child at different levels. For kindergarten teaching reform, we discussed how to carry out group teaching activities for young children. First, to carry out group teaching activities, we must first understand the level of development of children in all aspects of the class According to the level of child development in different classes, teachers in the lesson preparation for each group of children characteristics, design different requirements and teaching methods to provide different teaching Auxiliary tools. For example, the grouping of language classes should first understand the situation of children’s pronunciation, strong language skills, weakness, opening of children and speeches, etc. In the art activities, children should learn about painting, sticking, scissoring, folding and pinching; Games should be aware of active child care situation and so on. In the activities of teachers should be aware of, so as to meet the children’s