目的: 1.引导幼儿感受散文的意境美、韵律美。 2.启发幼儿结合生活经验大胆想像、仿编。 3.激发幼儿热爱大自然、关注周围事物的情感。准备: 1.图谱一幅(附后)。 2.小花蝴蝶、蝴蝶妈妈、小雨点等指偶。 3.音乐磁带。过程: 1.导入活动你们喜欢下雨吗?为什么?
Objectives: 1. To guide children feel the beauty of prose essay, rhythm beauty. 2. Inspired children combined with life experience bold imagination, imitation. 3. Excite children love nature, concerned about the feelings of things around. Preparation: 1. a map (attached). 2 flower butterfly, butterfly mother, raindrops and other finger even. Music tape Process: 1. Import activities Do you like to rain? Why?