今年五月我们随中国医疗器械考察团赴德国西门子公司进行专业考察。该公司为了保持产品的竞争能力,对X射线管和影像增强管的研制集中了很大力量,单是试验室就有工程师300名。管子装配车间是2级工艺卫生净化室。近年来西门子公司对旋转阳极X线管以提高转速、加大功率、缩小焦点为目标,采取了下列措施: 1.采用铼钨合金靶在掺入5%~10%铼后,不改变钨靶X线的能谱(69.3KV)而提高了靶面的再结晶
In May this year, we went to Germany with the Chinese medical device delegation to conduct a professional inspection. The company focused its efforts on the development of X-ray tubes and image intensifiers in order to maintain the competitiveness of its products. There were 300 engineers in the laboratory alone. Pipe assembly workshop is a two-tier process of health purification room. In recent years, Siemens X-ray tube to rotate the anode to increase speed, increase power, reduce the focus as the goal, the following measures were taken: 1. The rhenium tungsten alloy target incorporation of 5% to 10% rhenium, do not change the tungsten target X-ray spectrum (69.3KV) increased the recrystallization of the target surface