蠕形螨是寄生在人体皮肤毛囊和皮脂腺的一种寄生虫。为了解我县中、小学生的感染情况,我们于1991年11~12 月选择本县实验小学及本县第一中学的中、小学生为对象作随机抽样调查,报道于下。 一、检查方法 采用红狮版胶带,长 6cm 宽 2cm(面积为 12cm~2)2张,于晚上睡前以温稀肥皂水洗净脸部皮肤油腻,待干后,把透明胶带分别紧贴于受检者额和颊部过夜。次晨取下胶带贴回原载玻片上,当天于低倍镜下检查计数,于高倍镜下鉴种。
Demodex is a parasitic parasitic on human skin follicles and sebaceous glands. In order to understand the prevalence of primary and middle school students in our county, we selected primary and secondary primary and secondary school students in this county from November to December of 1991 as random sample survey and reported the following. First, the inspection method Red Lion tape, long 6cm wide 2cm (an area of 12cm ~ 2) 2, at night before going to bed with warm thin soapy water to wash the face greasy skin, to be dry, the transparent tape close to Overnight in subjects and cheeks. Next morning remove the tape attached back to the original slide, the day under low magnification check count, in high magnification microscope.