
来源 :农家之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baobeicucu
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最近,中共中央、国务院出台了《关于全面推进集体林权制度改革的意见》,提出用5年左右的时间,基本完成明晰产权、承包到户的改革任务。在此基础上,通过深化改革、逐步形成集体林业的良性发展机制,实现资源增长、农民增收、生态良好、林区和谐的目标。 Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the Opinions on Promoting the Reform of Collective Forest Tenure in an All-Round Way, proposing to basically complete the task of reform that clarifies property rights and contracted to each other in about five years. On this basis, through deepening the reform, a benign development mechanism for collective forestry will be gradually formed to achieve the goal of increasing resources, increasing farmers’ income, good ecology and harmonious forest areas.