In this paper, the inorganic phosphorus composition, transformation and availability of calcareous alluvial soil, cinnamon soil and lime concretion in Shandong Province were studied using the “Method of Classification of Inorganic Phosphorus in Calcareous Soil” proposed by Jiang Baofan and Gu Yichu. The results showed that Ca10-P accounted for 54.52% of total inorganic phosphorus in calcareous soil inorganic phosphorus, followed by OP, accounting for 21.55%, Al-P, Fe-P and Ca8-P accounted for 5 ~ 10% and Ca2-P only 1.08%. In the soil profile, the inorganic phosphorus at all levels decreased with the increase of profile depth. After the water-soluble phosphate fertilizer was applied to the soil, it was mainly converted to Ca8-P in one growth season of the crop, The amount of Ca2-P accounted for 10-30%, Al-P accounted for 11-13% and Fe-P was very little, accounting for about 5% Is Ca2-P> Al-P, Fe-P> Ca8-P> OP, Ca10-P.