Preparation of open-cell metal foams by investment cast

来源 :China Foundry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superzf
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Metal foams are a new kind of materials with low densities and novel physical, mechanical, thermal, electrical and acoustic properties. They can be divided into closed and open cell structures. In this paper the open cell structures, called sponges, were treated. A new technique to manufacture sponges by plaster investment casting was described. Experimental results show that it is essential to make a sound plaster mould by casting plaster slurry into the polyurethane foams and infiltrate the open channels of the baked plaster mold by molten metal. The optimal processes include plaster slurry preparation, plaster mold baking, and molten metal infiltration. The sponge sample with porosity of 97% is presented. Metal foams are a new kind of materials with low densities and novel physical, mechanical, thermal, electrical and acoustic properties. They can be divided into closed and open cell structures. A new technique to manufacture sponges by plaster investment casting was described. Experimental results show that it is essential to make a sound plaster mold by casting plaster slurry into the polyurethane foams and infiltrate the open channels of the baked plaster mold by molten metal. The optimal processes include sponge sample with porosity of 97% is presented.
目的 :研究深度扩臼造盖术的生物力学特性。方法 :比较两组分别以深度扩臼造盖术及Salter’s截骨术治疗后小儿患侧股骨头外移距离。结果 :经Salter’s截骨术治疗组小儿股骨头
1.引起连杆螺栓断裂的原因 (1)连杆螺栓材质不佳,加工粗糙,承受不了标准扭矩而变形或产生裂纹,在冲击力作用下产生应力集中而断裂。 (2)连杆螺栓未按规定力矩拧紧,螺栓过松,
摘 要: 小组合作学习模式不仅能够活跃课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣,而且能提高学生的团结合作能力,为未来发展奠定基础。本文通过分析小组合作学习模式在初中物理课堂教学中的运用存在的问题,探讨更加有效的合作学习模式,不断提高学生综合能力。  关键词: 小组合作 初中物理 问题 应用  小组学习法能够让学生学习知识的同时锻炼好合作能力,同时让学生在学习过程中相互激发思维,让学生在交流学习过程中取长补短。因此,