2016年China Joy已圆满落下帷幕,由有妖气正版授权并监制,掌趣科技子公司动网先锋负责研发S级热血国漫同名动作手游《镇魂街》,正式亮相这一年度行业盛会。在三天会展期内,狂热的粉丝蜂拥至掌趣科技展台进行试玩体验,火爆的人气充分体现了这一款年度精品大作的超强号召力。《镇魂街》手游此前已进行多轮测试,数据表现异常的优异,其改编动画播出后更是一路走红,横扫暑期档。据官方透漏消息,《镇魂街》手游即将于近期全平台公测,期间将联合动
China Joy has come to a successful conclusion in 2016. The company is licensed and supervised by Yaomei. Pioneer Technology Pioneer Network is responsible for the research and development of “Soul Street” . In the three days exhibition period, fanatical fans flocked to the palm of your hand for a demo booth experience technology, popular popularity fully reflects the superb appeal of this annual masterpiece. “Town soul Street” hand travel has conducted many rounds of tests, the data outstanding performance, its adaptation of the animation is broadcast all the way after the popular swept the summer file. According to the official leaked news, “Town soul Street” hand-travel to the upcoming full-platform beta, the United will move