一、概况 大瑶山隧道位于广东省北部南岭山脉的瑶山地区。现行京广铁路系沿珠江支流北江上游的武水峡谷而行,从坪石至乐昌五十余公里的武水峡谷呈一弯弓形。该段铁路不但设计标准低,而且地质条件复杂。每年雨季崩坍、滑坡、河岸冲刷等工程病害不断发生,严重地影响
I. Overview Dayaoshan tunnel is located in the northern part of Guangdong Province, Nanling Mountains in the area. The current Beijing-Guangzhou Railway along the upper reaches of the Pearl River tributary of the upper reaches of the North Wushui Canyon line, from Pingshi to Lechang more than 50 kilometers of Wushui Canyon was a bow. The section of the railway not only low design standards, and complex geological conditions. Every year the rainy season collapses, landslides, riverbank erosion and other diseases continue to occur, seriously affecting