10年前,科特迪瓦每年生产腰果为8万t。2013年,由于腰果需求量增长,产量增长约50万t,成为世界第一大腰果出口国,其腰果产量仅次于印度。科特迪瓦腰果专家Jim Fitzpatrick称,增长速度令人惊讶,耐人寻味。在过去的10年里,他们很少看到腰果的产量增长得如此快速。这段时间,政府对腰果农承诺一个最低的腰果保护价,腰果仁定位为250非洲法郎(相当于0.48美元)/kg。科特迪瓦95%的生腰果出口到印度和越南加工。科特迪瓦棉花和腰果委员会(CCA)的市场分
Ten years ago, Côte d’Ivoire produced 80,000 tons of cashew nuts each year. In 2013, the output of cashew nuts increased by about 500,000 tons due to the increasing demand for cashews, making it the world’s largest exporter of cashew nuts with the second largest output of cashew nuts in India. Jim Fitzpatrick, an expert on cashew in Côte d’Ivoire, said the growth rate is surprising and intriguing. In the past 10 years, they have seldom seen the growth of cashew nut growing so fast. During this time, the government promised cashew nuts a minimum cashew nut protection price of 250 CFA francs (equivalent to $ 0.48) / kg. 95% of the raw cashew nuts in Cote d’Ivoire are exported to India and Vietnam for processing. Market share of the Ivory Coast Cotton and Cashew Board (CCA)