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  1.0 Introduction
  In geometry, a torus is generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space about an axis coplanar with the circle. If the axis of revolution does not cover the circle, the surface has a ring shape and is called a torus of revolution.
  Topologically, a torus is a closed surface defined as the Cartesian product of two circles: S×S . This topological torus is also often called the Clifford torus.
  2.0 Ways to get a torus
  2.1 Geometry
  A torus is defined in the coordinate system by:
  x(θ,φ)=(R r.cosθ ) cosφ
  y(θ,φ)=(R r.cosθ ) cosφ
  where θ,φ are the values of angles which make a full circle, and R is the distance between the center of the tube and the center of the tube.
  Let r equals to the radius of the inner loop
  When R>r, it is called ring torus or anchor ring.
  When R=r, it is called horn torus.
  When R  2.2Topology
  The torus can also be described as a quotient of the Cartesian plane under the identifications: (0,y)~(1,y),(x,0)~(x,1), or as the quotient of the unit square by pasting the opposite edges together, described as a fundamental polygon ABA_(-1) B_(-1).
  3.1 Property
  The methods used to construct a torus in MALAB is triangulation. Usually, in Topology, we use triangle to form an object that is homeomorphic to the object that we expect to have. (Homeomorphism is a special property in Topology means that we can get an object through continuous map from the initial object.) 9 vertexes ad 18 triangles are used in total to form a torus. The total simplices is 54.
  (A simplicial complex is a ?nite collection of simplices K such that
  1.Every face of a simplex in K also belongs to K.
  2.For any two simplices σ1 and σ2 in K, if σ1∩σ2≠φ, then σ1∩σ2 is a common face of both σ1 and σ2.)
  The Betti number: betti0=1 ,betti1=2, betti2=1 (See in appendix A)
  In addition, to divide a torus into regions, then it is always possible to color the regions with at least seven colors so that neighboring regions have different colors. (Compare to the four color theorem for a single plane)
  3.2 N-dimensional torus
  The torus has a generalization to higher dimensions, the n-dimensional torus, often called the n-torus or hypertorus for short. (This is one of two different meanings of the term "n-torus".) Recalling that the torus is the product space of two circles, the n-dimensional torus is the product of n circles. That is:   T^n=S^1×……×S^n
  3.3 Application
  Torus is widely used in famous games for building the maps which can make the map cyclic because torus has only one face in three-dimensional space. As in the classic computer game Asteroids (see in Appendix B), when you travel up through the top of the rectangle, you reappear at the bottom, and traveling through the right side causes you to appear on the left. This drawing, though not quite as appetizing as the donut, still shows us all the important topological properties of the torus.
  4.0 Conclusion
  Torus is a topological feature that ca be obtained in many ways including geometry and topology. In geometry, we mainly discuss how to get the volume using calculus, However, in topology, we care about the homology group and its homeomorphic class. People once said that a mathematician cannot tell the difference between the coffee cup and donut, because we can use the shape of coffee cup to make a donut by continuous map. Also, by using the properties of torus, we can make interesting small games like Asteroids.
机构的权威性靠的不是自我吹嘘,而是靠一贯的公开、公平、公正的标准和有案可稽的历史而建立起来的。因此,第三方独立评估机构得出的评估结论和有些仅凭道听途说的小道消息给出的各类名校排行榜是不可同日而语的。  特约撰稿人_益孟德 编辑_李育 供图_益孟德 设计_杜亚娜  每年的家长择校季节又来了,很多焦心的家长每个周末都在五花八门的展会和招生宣讲会上转来转去,为自己孩子的择校问题四处奔波。  不少家长的孩
罗德奖学金已有114年历史,是世界上历史最悠久、最负盛名的国际奖学金项目,以其竞争之激烈和0.7%的录取率,享有“本科生的诺贝尔奖”之称。罗德奖学金帮助来自世界各地的学生前往牛津大学学习,致力于为世界培养具有公共意识的未来领导 者。  在过去的一个世纪里,罗德奖学金已经培养出了8000多名分布在世界各地、活跃在各行业前沿的罗德学者。其中不乏有数以百计像美国前总统比尔·克林顿这样的各国、各国际组织的
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“青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志,恢宏的想 象,炙热的感情。”美国作家塞缪尔·厄尔曼的这句话,在孙梦麟身上得到了极佳的体现。《留学》记者与孙梦麟初次碰面时,不禁讶异于她所焕发出来的青春光彩。温柔可亲的笑容、优雅从容的气质仿佛抹去了岁月留在她身上的痕迹。对面而坐,孙梦麟宛如一位画中人,周围的空气都开始变得恬静、宜人,带着暖融融的温度。  在采访中,孙梦麟无意间透露了
也许,你跟身处异国的孩子交流时也有类似体验。明明已设身处地站在孩子的角度去思考,尽量鼓励、宽慰,甚至把自己年轻时的“黑历史”扒出来现身说法,但孩子对你的安慰和激励反应平平,有时还显得反感。  浩宇今年 15 岁,独自在美国读书。没有任何宗教信仰的他,对于寄宿家庭拉着他一起祷告这事儿很介意,尤其最近一次,他们竟然感谢上帝赐给浩宇优秀的成绩。优异的成绩明明是靠自己努力得来的,为什么要归功于上帝呢?  
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