肺的单发炎性假瘤比多发性炎性假瘤多见[1 3 ] 。肺炎性假瘤与肺癌、转移瘤、淋巴瘤及肉瘤的鉴别诊断有时比较困难 ,在抗炎、抗结核治疗条件下肿块逐渐长大者 ,对其鉴别尤为困难。这些病人在发病初期仅表现低热或轻咳 ,自认为感冒而不去就医。经过 1~ 2周临床症状仍不见好转 ,
Single lung inflammatory pseudotumor more than multiple inflammatory pseudotumor more common [13]. Pneumonia pseudotumor and lung cancer, metastases, lymphoma and sarcoma is sometimes more difficult to distinguish the differential diagnosis, anti-inflammatory, anti-TB treatment under the conditions of gradually growing mass, its identification is particularly difficult. These patients show only fever or light cough early in the onset, consider themselves cold without going to a doctor. After 1 to 2 weeks the clinical symptoms have not improved,