The film “Lily Malian,” directed by the late Reina Werner Fassbinder, the representative of the late “New German Film,” has overcome hundreds of millions of songs of this love tragedy in its heavy, elegant style Audience’s heart. The story of the film took place in Switzerland early in the Second World War, the Jewish composer Robert and the beautiful German singer Welly. And Robert’s father was leading an organization to help Jews escape from Germany. In order to prevent the Aryan descendant from being affected by the Aryan ancestry, he bought the customs office and refused to leave Velie when Robert took him to Germany to return to Switzerland. In Germany, helpless Welly in order to make a living, had to go find a Gestapo official who met in Switzerland, introduced him to a ballroom work, and later with his help poured a “Lily Malian” Record After the record was aired on the radio, the song full of sentimental sentiment instantly filled hundreds of thousands in the front