在全纳教育日益发展的背景下,通用学习设计(Universal Design for Learning)成为一种着眼于满足学生多样学习需求的重要教学设计思想。通用学习设计前瞻性地着眼于教和学的全过程,通过细致分析学生的个性特征,统筹运用课程资源和各种辅助技术,多元呈现学习内容,赋予儿童多种表达的手段和参与的机会。它具有开放、多元、灵活的特点,可有效地促进全纳的教与学。
In the context of the growing development of inclusive education, Universal Design for Learning has become an important teaching design concept that focuses on meeting the diverse learning needs of students. Prospectively focuses on the whole process of teaching and learning. Through meticulous analysis of students’ personality traits, the integrated use of curriculum resources and various assistive technologies, the diversified presentation of learning content, the means for children to express and the opportunities for participation are given. It has an open, diverse and flexible features that can effectively promote inclusive teaching and learning.