延安整风运动是全党范围的马列主义教育运动和思想启蒙运动,也是我党成立以来第一次在全党范围内大规模地有系统地和有针对性地学习马克思列宁主义理论的运动.毛泽东同志与延安整风运动有着十分密切的关系,他不但是这一伟大运动的号召者和宣传者,而且是具体的组织者.对于二者的关系,学术界进行了长期、广泛、深人的研究,取得了较大的成绩,现将研究比较集中的三个问题综述如下:一、关于延安整风运动与毛泽东领导地位的确立问题一些学者认为是整风运动之后的“七大” 正式确立了毛泽东在中共中央的领导地位,延安整风运动对毛泽东领导地位的确立起了重要作用.研究者强调,中央领导主要是政治领导,作为中共中央的主要领导人,不但应该是一个卓越的军事家,还应该是一个杰出的马克思主义政治家,政治形势判断和大政方针的决策能力显得更为重要.
Yan’an rectification movement is an all-party-wide Marxist-Leninist education movement and an enlightenment of ideas. It is also the first campaign for studying the theory of Marxism-Leninism systematically and pertinently throughout the party since the founding of our party. The comrades have a very close relationship with the rectification movement in Yenan, and he is not only a call and propagandist of this great movement, but also a concrete organizer, and has conducted long-term, extensive and profound studies on the relationship between the two And made great achievements. The three issues that are more concentrated in the study are summarized as follows: I. Issues Concerning the Establishment of Yan’an Rectification Movement and the Leadership of Mao Zedong Some scholars think that the “Big Seven” after the rectification movement formally established Mao Zedong’s The leading position of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Yan’an rectification movement played an important role in establishing leadership of Mao Zedong.The researchers emphasized that the central leadership is mainly political leadership and that the main leader of the CPC Central Committee should not only be an outstanding military strategist but also Is an outstanding Marxist statesman, political situation judgments and decision-making ability of major policies appear It is important.