二十三万倍! 从1901年到1953年,美国钢产量增加七点二倍,而石油产量却增加三十四倍,因而造成洛克菲勒家族财产的剧增。据估计,仅仅新泽西美孚油公司现有资产就达八十亿美元,这个家族直接控制的油田、工厂、矿山、不动产和银行资产总值超过六百亿美元,比1870年美孚油公司刚成立时的一百万资本增加六万倍,比它的开山祖师约翰·洛克菲勒当初所投入的二十六万六千七百美元,竟增长二十三万倍!
Two hundred and thirty thousand times! Between 1901 and 1953, the United States increased its steel output by 7.2 times, while its oil output increased by thirty-fourfold, resulting in a sharp increase in the Rockefeller family’s property. It is estimated that Mobil Oil of New Jersey alone owns about $ 8 billion of assets and the total assets directly controlled by the family of oil fields, factories, mines, real estate and banking are more than 60 billion U.S. dollars, more than the just established Mobil Oil Company in 1870 Of the capital increased by 60,000 times, more than two hundred thirty-six thousandths more than the two hundred and sixty-six thousand seven hundred dollars invested by its pioneering founder John Rockefeller!