Same site submucosal tunneling for a repeat per oral endoscopic myotomy: a safe and feasible option

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuixi000
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Per oral endoscopic myotomy(POEM) is a novel endoscopic procedure for achalasia treatment. Due to its novelty and high success rates, a repeat procedure is usually not warranted, making the feasibility and safety of such approach unknown. We report the first case of a successful repeat POEM done at the same site of a previously uncompleted POEM. An 84-year-old female with type 2 achalasia presented for a POEM procedure. The procedure was aborted at the end of tunneling and before myotomy due to hypotension, which later resolved spontaneously. POEM was re-attempted at the same site of the original tunnel 1 year afterward, and surprisingly we didn’t encounter any submucosal fibrosis. The procedure felt similar to a native POEM and a myotomy was performed uneventfully. Our case is the first to suggest that submucosal tunneling during a repeat POEM can be done at the same site. Hypotension during POEM is a rare complication that should be recognized as a potential result of tension capnothorax, it can however, be managed with close supportive care. Due to its novelty and high success rates, a repeat procedure is usually not warranted, making the feasibility and safety of such an approach unknown. We report the first case of a The successful was POEM done at the same site of a previously uncompleted POEM. An 84-year-old female with type 2 achalasia presented for a POEM procedure. The procedure was aborted at the end of tunneling and before myotomy due to hypotension, which were resolved spontaneously. POEM was re-attempted at the same site of the original tunnel 1 year afterward, and surprisingly we did not encounter any submucosal fibrosis. The procedure felt similar to a native POEM and a myotomy was uneventfully. Our case is the first to suggest that submucosal tunneling during a repeat POEM can be done at the same site. Hypotension during POEM is a rare complication that should be be recognized as a potential result of tension capnoth orax, it can however, be managed with close supportive care.
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坊间传言:“人人爱捏橡皮人。”职场虽然不是战场,但是也需要保护好身心,以防被各种明枪暗箭扎成刺猬。  前天早上从茶水间回来,我发觉坐在我斜对面的同事小白一副蔫不唧的样子,就问他怎么了。他一脸愁云地对我说:“老板又要我帮他挡酒,你还有葛根吗?”我递给他一盒,他喝下后出去了,单薄的身影让人心疼。我不禁想起和他一同进公司的小马。三年多前,小马接到替老板挡酒的任务,他没有直接拒绝,而是给每个同事发了短信:
拿事实和事实比较对照,是马克思主义文艺批评的科学性和永不枯竭的生命力之所在,是它在方法论上的根本要求。  我们知道,1873年,马克思曾经从评价《资本论》的各种各样的文章中,特意摘出一位名叫考夫曼的俄国学者研究读书方法的这样一段话:    以文化本身为对象的批判,比任何事情更不能以意识的某种形式或某种结果为依据。这就是说,作为这种批判和出发点的不能是观念,而只能是外部的现象。批判将不是把事实和观念