辐射不育防治法是五十年代逐步发展起来的一项新技术,是生物防治法中最新趋向之一。 辐射不育防治法的基本原理 生物本身存在着性的本能,人们就是利用昆虫有寻找配偶,进行交尾繁衍后代的本能,加以利用,使其不育,达到防治和消灭害虫的目的。射线可使昆虫不育,用一定范围的辐照剂量,对防治对象的某一虫态(蛹或成虫)进行处理,经过辐射处理后,一方面要使受照射的害虫的体细胞基本上不受损伤,仍能保持正常的生命活动和寻找配偶的能力;同时又能诱
Radiation infertility prevention and control law is a new technology developed gradually in the 1950s and is one of the newest trends in the biological control law. Radical infertility prevention and control of the basic principles of biological instinct itself, people are using insects to find their spouses, cross-breeding offspring instinct to be used to make it sterile, to control and eliminate pests. Radiation can sterilize an insect and, using a range of doses of radiation, treat one of the insect’s stages (pupae or adult) that are the subject of the treatment. After radiation treatment, the somatic cells of the irradiated pest are essentially, on the one hand, Injured, still able to maintain normal life activities and the ability to find spouses; at the same time can lure