额吉河,温暖的河 《额吉河——17位蒙古族妇女的口述历史》序

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我是逐字逐句将这部名为《额吉河》的口述史读完的,对于每天面对堆积如山稿件的我来说,这已经是近年来很少见的情形了。额吉,这是蒙古族对母亲的称呼,是蒙古族的民歌里被反复吟唱的主题。它让人想到温暖,想到希望,想到乳汁和青草的清香,想到草原上平静流淌的河水。北方自然环境的寒冷严酷、游牧生活的迁徙无常,使每一个生命的诞生和成长都显得特别珍贵,也使哺育呵护生命成长的“额吉”一词,呈现出一种特别的庄严和神圣。 I finished this oral history named “Othe River” verbatim. It is a rare situation in recent years for me to deal with the pile of papers that I have accumulated every day. This is the Mongolian name for the mother, Mongolian folk songs are repeatedly chant the theme. It makes people think of warmth, think of hope, think of the fragrance of milk and grass, think of the calm flowing river grassland. The cold and harsh natural environment in the north and the fickleness of nomadic life make the birth and growth of each and every one of the most invaluable. It has also brought about a special and solemn sacred.