In this paper, the dynamic changes of polysaccharides and alcohol-soluble extracts in leaves of Dendrobium candidum were revealed to provide the basis for the exploitation and utilization of the leaves of Dendrobium officinale. The contents of polysaccharides and extracts in leaves of three elite lines of Dendrobium officinale were determined by phenol-sulfuric acid method and alcohol-soluble extract hot-dip method. The results showed that the content of polysaccharides in leaves of D. officinale was 4.45% ~ 12.17%, which was about 1/4 of the stems. The content of alcohol-soluble extracts was 7.45% -29.34%, about 1.5 times of the stems. The contents of polysaccharides in leaves of Dendrobium officinale were closely related to the phenophase, and the levels of plant metabolism decreased in winter, early budding and deciduous stages, while the content of polysaccharides in leaves decreased. In the vigorous growth stage, the content of polysaccharide in leaves was high. The content of the extract in leaves reached the highest value before germination, which promoted the germination of new shoots.