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该文通过揭示铁皮石斛叶片多糖和醇溶性浸出物含量的动态变化规律,为铁皮石斛叶片资源的开发利用提供依据。采用苯酚-硫酸法和醇溶性浸出物热浸法测定铁皮石斛3个优良品系不同月份的叶片中多糖和浸出物含量。结果表明,铁皮石斛叶片多糖质量分数为4.45%~12.17%,约为茎的1/4,醇溶性浸出物质量分数为7.45%~29.34%,约为茎的1.5倍。铁皮石斛叶片多糖含量变化与物候期密切相关,冬季、萌芽初期和落叶期植株代谢水平降低,叶片多糖含量减少;植株生长旺盛期,叶片多糖含量较高。叶片中浸出物含量在萌芽前达到最高值,促进了新芽的萌动。 In this paper, the dynamic changes of polysaccharides and alcohol-soluble extracts in leaves of Dendrobium candidum were revealed to provide the basis for the exploitation and utilization of the leaves of Dendrobium officinale. The contents of polysaccharides and extracts in leaves of three elite lines of Dendrobium officinale were determined by phenol-sulfuric acid method and alcohol-soluble extract hot-dip method. The results showed that the content of polysaccharides in leaves of D. officinale was 4.45% ~ 12.17%, which was about 1/4 of the stems. The content of alcohol-soluble extracts was 7.45% -29.34%, about 1.5 times of the stems. The contents of polysaccharides in leaves of Dendrobium officinale were closely related to the phenophase, and the levels of plant metabolism decreased in winter, early budding and deciduous stages, while the content of polysaccharides in leaves decreased. In the vigorous growth stage, the content of polysaccharide in leaves was high. The content of the extract in leaves reached the highest value before germination, which promoted the germination of new shoots.
【摘要】中国画有独特的艺术审美和评价,其独特性与中国文化息息相关:通过古今中外的对比研究,会发现中国画生命力非常旺盛,了解中国画的优势和不足,扬长避短,才能够推动中国画创新与发展。  【关键词】中国画;民族性;传统性;包容性;文学性;程式性;书写性;意象性;平面性  中国画作为东方绘画艺术,发展已有几千年,其生命力旺盛,发展前景远大。有博大精深的中国文化和哲学支撑,这是中国画发展的根源,中国文化延
大革命失败后,陈独秀的荣辱升沉,竟与一个外国人息息相关。这个外国人关于中国革命的意见,与他的主张几乎毫无二致,他由此与这个外国人相识相交,并公开进行党内反对派的活动。尽管他与这个外国人素未谋面,但是,这个外围人真挚的情谊深深地感动了他,使他视其为知音和朋友。    斯大林对陈独秀的担心    1927年7月12日,鲍罗廷执行共产国际训令,重新成立临时中央局兼常委会,陈独秀被排斥于外。他虽然已不是党