为了研究保水剂对土壤温度和水分动态变化的影响,在河北农业大学实验基地,对青海“绿宝”公司提供的3种剂型保水剂施入土壤后的混剂土进行土壤温度和水分运动规律的测定。结果表明:土壤中加入保水剂后能够调节土壤温度的变化,提高土壤的保温性能,使土壤的昼夜温差减小;对土壤水分的蒸发有明显的抑制效应,混剂土中的水分会向四周的干燥土壤扩散,其扩散距离是对照的2倍,而含水率仍在16%~19%之间,土壤中加入保水剂后,混剂土所保持的水分86.7%~88.4%为有效水(0~1.5 MPa)。随保水剂用量的增加,混剂土的保温效果、抑制水分蒸发效果越好,土壤水分扩散相同的距离,混剂土的含水量越高,从而为植物提供充足的水分,有利于植物的生长发育。
In order to study the effect of SAP on soil temperature and moisture dynamic changes, the soil temperature and water content of the mixed soil after 3 types of SAPs provided by Qinghai “Lvbao ” Company were used in experimental base of Hebei Agricultural University. Determination of exercise rules. The results showed that the addition of SAP can adjust the change of soil temperature and improve the thermal insulation properties of soil, reduce the temperature difference between day and night, and significantly inhibit the evaporation of soil moisture. Of the diffusion of dry soil, the diffusion distance is 2 times the control, while the water content is still between 16% to 19%, the soil after adding water-retaining agent, the mixed soil moisture 86.7% to 88.4% of available water ( 0 ~ 1.5 MPa). With the increase of the amount of water retention agent, the effect of heat preservation of mixture soil, the better the effect of inhibiting water evaporation, the same distance of soil moisture diffusion and the higher moisture content of mixture soil, thus providing sufficient water for plants to be beneficial to plant growth development.