The Impact of Spontaneous Labor Before Elective Repeat Cesarean Delivery on Pregnancy Outcome: A Pro

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Objective::To investigate the effects of spontaneous labor before elective repeat cesarean delivery (ERCD) on short-term maternal and neonatal outcomes.Methods::This was a prospective cohort study. All consecutive ERCDs, occurring at ≥37 weeks of gestation between July 1, 2017 and December 31, 2019 in Makassed General Hospital, were evaluated. The maternal and neonatal outcomes of 183 laboring women undergoing unscheduled repeat cesarean delivery (URCD) group were compared with those of 204 women undergoing cesarean delivery (CD) without spontaneous labor (ERCD) group. Primary outcomes were “composite adverse maternal outcome” and “composite adverse neonatal outcome.” Fisher’s exact and Student’s n t tests were used to assess the significance of differences in dichotomous and continuous variables, respectively. Two logistic regression models were constructed to identify risk factors with most significant influence on the rate of composite adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes.n Results::“Composite adverse maternal outcome” was significantly more common in women who underwent spontaneous labor ((40/183) 21.9%n vs. (19/204) 9.3%, n P= 0.001, relative risk (n RR): 2.7, 95% confidence interval (n CI): 1.50-4.90). Similarly, “composite adverse neonatal outcome” was significantly increased in the URCD group ((24/183) 13.1% n vs. (12/204) 5.9%, n P= 0.014, n RR: 2.4, 95% n CI: 1.18-4.98). These adverse effects persisted after adjustment for confounders. Multivariate regression models revealed that, besides labor, CD-order impacted maternal outcome (n RR: 1.5, 95%n CI: 1.02-2.30, n P= 0.036), while CD-order and teenage pregnancy influenced neonatal outcome (n RR: 2.1, 95%n CI: 1.29-3.38, n P= 0.003, and n RR: 16.5, 95%n CI: 2.09-129.80, n P= 0.008, respectively).n Conclusion::In our study, spontaneous labor before ERCD, including deliveries at term, was associated with adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes, indicating that it is preferable to conduct ERCD before the onset of labor. Screening women with MRCD may identify those at increased risk for spontaneous labor for whom CD could be scheduled 1-2 weeks earlier. Further large prospective studies to assess the effects of such an approach on maternal and neonatal outcomes are strongly warranted.“,”Objective::To investigate the effects of spontaneous labor before elective repeat cesarean delivery (ERCD) on short-term maternal and neonatal outcomes.Methods::This was a prospective cohort study. All consecutive ERCDs, occurring at ≥37 weeks of gestation between July 1, 2017 and December 31, 2019 in Makassed General Hospital, were evaluated. The maternal and neonatal outcomes of 183 laboring women undergoing unscheduled repeat cesarean delivery (URCD) group were compared with those of 204 women undergoing cesarean delivery (CD) without spontaneous labor (ERCD) group. Primary outcomes were “composite adverse maternal outcome” and “composite adverse neonatal outcome.” Fisher’s exact and Student’s n t tests were used to assess the significance of differences in dichotomous and continuous variables, respectively. Two logistic regression models were constructed to identify risk factors with most significant influence on the rate of composite adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes.n Results::“Composite adverse maternal outcome” was significantly more common in women who underwent spontaneous labor ((40/183) 21.9%n vs. (19/204) 9.3%, n P= 0.001, relative risk (n RR): 2.7, 95% confidence interval (n CI): 1.50-4.90). Similarly, “composite adverse neonatal outcome” was significantly increased in the URCD group ((24/183) 13.1% n vs. (12/204) 5.9%, n P= 0.014, n RR: 2.4, 95% n CI: 1.18-4.98). These adverse effects persisted after adjustment for confounders. Multivariate regression models revealed that, besides labor, CD-order impacted maternal outcome (n RR: 1.5, 95%n CI: 1.02-2.30, n P= 0.036), while CD-order and teenage pregnancy influenced neonatal outcome (n RR: 2.1, 95%n CI: 1.29-3.38, n P= 0.003, and n RR: 16.5, 95%n CI: 2.09-129.80, n P= 0.008, respectively).n Conclusion::In our study, spontaneous labor before ERCD, including deliveries at term, was associated with adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes, indicating that it is preferable to conduct ERCD before the onset of labor. Screening women with MRCD may identify those at increased risk for spontaneous labor for whom CD could be scheduled 1-2 weeks earlier. Further large prospective studies to assess the effects of such an approach on maternal and neonatal outcomes are strongly warranted.
寻找一个人  我来到这里,一块石头上  我的目的是寻找一个人  他腼腆,虚无,神经质  总是低着头,背像一张弓  我不声张,不左顾右盼  我只是安静地坐着  有一个人在高谈阔论,不知道  他在说什么,方言或者英语  我注意到右边的窗户,那场入夜时  下起的雨,应该停了,如果风  也停下,那个小心翼翼的人  是否会如期而至,回到我的体内  大风吹  大风吹,大风呼呼地吹  大风从海上吹来  大风从遥
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