前不久,在世界围棋史上发生了机器人“逆袭”人类的真实事件。来自韩国的世界冠军李世石以1:4的成绩不敌谷歌围棋机器人“阿尔法狗”(Alpha Go)。Alpha Go战胜世界冠军震惊全球,由此产生的连锁效应也非常明显:人工智能股表现活跃,多只强势股涨停。不过,在刚刚举行的“中纺圆桌·沭阳发展论坛”上则有人抛出观点,认为Alpha Go胜出并不可怕,可怕的是Alpha Go如果有了感情,懂得让棋认输才更可怕。这一热点事件再度证明了“智能”时代到来即将对人类社会产生的深远影响。
Not long ago, in the history of the world chess robots “counterattack ” the real events of mankind. World champion Lee Seok He from South Korea lost his 1: 4 Google Go robot “Alpha Go.” Alpha Go beat the world champion shocked the world, resulting in the chain effect is also very obvious: artificial intelligence stocks performed active, mostly strong stocks daily limit. However, at the just-held “China Textile Round table Shuyang Development Forum” was cast on the point that Alpha Go win is not terrible, terrible is Alpha Go if there is feeling, know how to make a showdown is even more terrible. This hot event once again proved that the arrival of “smart” era will have a far-reaching impact on human society.