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天津紡織各厂業餘学校、自本學期起,增添了课前的十分钟讀報,以加強学校學習的時事政治知識。在讀報工作進行中,有這樣的情况:有的業校干部们对讀報的認識不够,不重視。有的教師说“我是来教書的,讀報不是我的事!”“工人不愛聽這些”,表現敷衍、消極、被動态度,在思想上形成負擔。甚至有一位老師对学员说“沒法子,我也不願讀、上級叫读,不得不讀!”有的老師愿意讀,但害怕自己政治水平不高,畏首畏尾,唯恐出错。也有个别的因操之過急,一次便读好多,在學員一時答不上來问题的就說學員是“行屍走肉”。学员中也有一部份人認為“我是来上學的,不是來聽唸報紙的。”“读報躭誤功課”,對讀報採取消极或反對态度。高年級学员因大部分能自己看 Since the beginning of this semester, Tianjin Textile Factory amateur schools have added a 10-minute reading of newspapers before class to reinforce the current political knowledge of school learning. In reading the work in progress, there is such a situation: Some school cadres do not know enough about the newspaper, do not pay attention. Some teachers say “I came to teach and read a newspaper is not my business!” “Workers do not like to hear these things,” they are perfunctory, passive and passive, and they form a mental burden. There is even a teacher who said to the trainee: “I can not do anything about it. I do not want to read it anymore. My superiors are reading, I have to read!” Some teachers are willing to read but are afraid that their political level is not high and they are afraid of making mistakes. There are also individual due to hurried, read a lot at a time, the students can not answer a question for a moment that students are “walking dead.” Some of the students also think that “I came to school, not to read the newspaper.” “Reading newspapers and mistaken homework” negative attitude toward reading newspapers. Most senior students can see for themselves
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