黄瓜的生产实践表明,果实有时会产生苦果,对食用影响很大,是黄瓜生产上的大敌;通常苦果出现在果梗靠近果肩部位。其原因有品种特性、管理及环境条件三个方面。尤以外部环境条件原因最为突出。具体来看: 一、环境温度不适如早春茬栽培的黄瓜,若地温长期处于10~12℃,黄瓜的正常生长发育受阻,甚至出现寒害,从而在幼瓜上形成苦瓜素产生即所谓的苦果。在坐瓜盛
Cucumber production practice shows that the fruit sometimes produces bitter fruit, a great impact on food, is the enemy of cucumber production; usually bitter fruit fruiting stems appear near the shoulder parts. The reasons for the variety characteristics, management and environmental conditions in three areas. In particular, the most prominent external environmental conditions. Specific point of view: First, the ambient temperature is not as good as early spring cucumber cultivation, if the long-term temperature at 10 ~ 12 ℃, the normal growth and development of cucumber blocked, or even chills, and thus the formation of bitter melon on the cucumber is the so-called bitter fruit. Sitting in melon Sheng