清真食品是我国2300多万穆斯林必须食用的日常食品,清真食品直接关系到我国1 0个信仰伊斯兰教的少数民族的民族习俗、宗教信仰与民族和谐的大问题。故,做好清真食品的监制工作,保障生产合格、安全的清真食品,对促进清真食品产业的健康发展,尊重和保障穆斯林的宗教信仰、风俗习惯与合法权益,维护民族安定团结与社会和谐稳定,都具有十分重大的意义。下面根据我们吉林省德惠市伊协20年的工作实践,谈谈我们的观点和做法。一、认清楚“清真食品”的本质内涵。“清真”是中国穆斯林的专用词汇,从伊斯兰教的角度来讲,清真是要求物质本身的洁净和环境的卫生。“清真食品”的标准叫法应该是“哈俩里”食品。“哈俩里”是阿拉伯语“合法”的意思,是指“合乎伊斯兰教法规定的”。就是说,符合《古兰经》、“圣训”和伊斯兰教法规定要求的食品,才是穆斯林合法的食品,才是穆斯林可以食用的食品。经训明确地说明:凡是佳美洁净,有
Halal food is a must-eat food for more than 23 million Muslims in our country. Halal food is directly related to the great issue of ethnic customs, religious beliefs and ethnic harmony among 10 ethnic groups that believe in Islam in our country. Therefore, we should do a good job in monitoring the production of halal food and ensure the production of halal food that is qualified and safe, and respect and guarantee the religious beliefs, customs and legal rights of Muslims and the legal rights and interests for the healthy development of the halal food industry so as to safeguard national stability, unity and social harmony and stability , Are of great significance. Here we talk about our views and practices based on the 20 years of our Iraqi Association’s work practice in Dehui City, Jilin Province. First, recognize clearly the essence of “halal food”. “Muslim ” is a special vocabulary for Muslims in China. From the perspective of Islam, halal requires the cleanliness of the material itself and the environment. “Muslim food ” standard name should be “Kazakhstan both ” food. “Kazakh two ” is the Arabic “legal ” means, refers to “in accordance with Islamic law ”. In other words, food that meets the requirements of the Qur’an, the Sunnah and Sharia is Muslim food that is legally acceptable to Muslims. By training clearly shows: All good and clean, there