Study on random and coherence states using a family of CML models

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cds123
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A family of coupled map lattice (CML) models has been developed to simulate the interaction of convection, diffusion and dispersion in both weakly and strongly coupled cases. With variation of parameters, the models can simulate those systems of convection dominating, diffusion dominating, and dispersion dominating states. Not only coherent and turbulent properties as well as their interrelations, but also the transitional state between any modes with local coupling and global coupling are analysed to demonstrate the essential characteristics of any state. Numerical results show that the models are capable of simulating both layered coupling and stochastic mechanism, and thus can be conveniently used to analyse an initiative and driven coupled system. Results of numerical simulation also lead us to understand whether or not turbulence coherent structure is formed by modulation of wave packet. Finally, the duality of wave and particle characters of turbulence is illustrated in the numerical simulation. A family of coupled map lattices (CML) models has been developed to simulate the interaction of convection, diffusion and dispersion in both weakly and strongly coupled cases. With variations of parameters, the models can simulate those systems of convection dominating, diffusion dominating, and Not only coherent and turbulent properties as well as their interrelations, but also the transitional state between any modes with local coupling and global coupling are analysed to demonstrate the essential characteristics of any state. Numerical results show that the models are capable of simulating both layered coupling and stochastic mechanism, and thus can be conveniently used to analyze an initiative and driven coupled system. Finally, the duality of wave and particle characters of turbulence is illustrated in the numer ical simulation.
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