完善经营承包责任制 提高企业经济效益

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为适应经营机制搞活的要求,继续坚持深化内部改革,在推行经营承包,理顺关系,完善规章制度和企业建设等方面做了大量工作,促进了三级管理新体制的顺利运行。在落实经营承包方面,在总公司要求百元产值工资含量系数不变的前提下,本着“思路不变、局部完善、突出效益,考核从严”的指导思想,经过补充和完善,坚持了“三个不变”、“三个完善”、“两个实行”、“四个从严”、“一个确保”的原则。认真对各单位的承包系数进行了测算或调整,尽量做到相对合理可行。“三个不变”是:八八年经营承包总体方案基本原则不变;承包形式不变:考核方法和含量系数基本不变。“三个完善”是:完善产值计算办法;完善单项奖管理办法;完善“三司”承包办法。“两个实行”是:实行效益工资考核制;实行债权债务延续制。“四个从严”是:从严安全、质量、形象指标考 In order to meet the requirements of invigorating the operating mechanism, we continued to insist on deepening internal reforms, and we have done a great deal of work in promoting the contracting of operations, rationalizing the relationship, improving the rules and regulations, and the construction of enterprises, which has promoted the smooth operation of the new three-level management system. In terms of the implementation of contracting for operations, under the premise that the head office requires that the hundred-yuan output value coefficient be unchanged, in line with the guiding ideology of “the line of thought is unchanged, partial perfection, outstanding effectiveness, and strict assessment,” after supplementing and perfecting The “three unchanged”, “three perfect”, “two implementation”, “four strict”, “one guarantee” principle. Carefully measured or adjusted the contracting coefficient of each unit and made it as reasonable and feasible as possible. “Three invariables” means that the basic principles of the overall plan for operating contracts in 1988 will remain unchanged; the form of contracting will remain unchanged: the assessment methods and content coefficients will remain basically unchanged. The “three perfects” are: improving the calculation method of output value; perfecting individual award management methods; and perfecting the “three divisions” contracting measures. The “two practices” are: the implementation of the effective wage evaluation system; the implementation of the debt and debt extension system. “Four Strict” is: Examining Strict Safety, Quality, and Image Index
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