我社位于伏牛山东麓陉山脚下,土地有山地、岗地、平地三种类型,土质大部是黄壤土和沙壤土。由于土地瘠薄,耕作粗放,早灾严重,历史上山地、岗地粮食亩产仅100多斤,平地亩产200斤左右。 1958年8月7日,毛主席亲临我县视察,接着向全国发出了深翻地的伟大号召。在毛主席的亲切关怀和支持下,近八年来我社深翻改造岗地2,100亩,改造山地6,000亩,打群井修暗渠引水上山,使水浇地达到耕地总面积的75%。全社粮食产量连年上升,1967年平均亩产只有367斤,1973年亩产达到810斤,1974年达846斤,分别比1967年增加443斤和479斤。深翻一遍,增产几成,高的可达一倍。农业“八字宪法”土是基础,在其他条件相同的情况下,深翻与不深翻同种作物产量对比,深翻能显著增产(见下
Our company is located in the foot of the hillside of Funiu Mountain in Shandong Province. There are three types of land: mountain, hillock and flat land. Most of the soil is yellow loam and sandy loam. As a result of infertile land, extensive farming and serious disaster, historically, the land yield per mu is only 100 kilos, and the yield per mu in land area is about 200 kilos. On August 7, 1958, Chairman Mao personally visited our county and sent a great call to go deep into the country. With the gracious care and support of Chairman Mao, in the past eight years, our society has been transforming 2,100 hectares of converted posts and 6,000 hectares of mountainous fields. He has been repairing ditches and dredging wells to divert water to make up 75% of the total arable land. The food production of the whole society has risen year after year. In 1967, the average yield per mu was only 367 kilograms. In 1973, the per-mu yield reached 810 kilos, up to 846 kilos in 1974, an increase of 443 kilograms and 479 kilos respectively over 1967. Deep over again, increase production into a few, high up to double. The “Eight Character Constitution” of agriculture is the foundation on which, under the same conditions, deep plowing can significantly increase the yield of the same crop with deep plowing and no deep plowing (see below