Cody的美国梦──我要当农民!从前有个美国小男生名叫Cody,毛头小伙儿却蓄一腮帮子的大胡子,和他的匈牙利小女友一起养了一只名叫Shuni的刺猬。他们算是我在求学时的酒肉朋友。Cody是罕见且非常有思想的美国年轻人,无论对哲学和国际政治都有独到犀利的见解,对美国社会和世界形势均忧心忡忡。他课余在市长办公室实习,却又同时在最差街区里的Papa Johns里帮厨,贴补自己的学费──当然,这在美国再常见不过。
Cody’s American Dream—I’m going to be a farmer! There used to be an American boy named Cody, a young boy with a cheeky lad and a beard, and his Hungarian girlfriend had a hedgehog called Shuni. They are my friends of wine and meat when I was studying. Cody is a rare and very thoughtful American young man. He has unique insights on philosophy and international politics, and he is worried about the U.S. society and the world situation. He has an internship at the mayor’s office, but at the same time he helps the kitchen in Papa Johns in the worst neighborhood, supplementing his tuition fees--of course, this is more common in the United States.