水力资源,又称水能资源,是水资源的重要组成部分,也是重要的一次能源。水能的开发利用,通常是通过某种装置,将水力转化为机械能或电能,供人类的各种需要。 据我国的古藉记载,我国古代劳动人民,在距今2000年前已发明了水碓、水排、龙骨车,在距今1700多年前已发明了水磨、
Hydropower resources, also known as hydropower resources, are an important part of water resources and an important source of energy. Hydropower development and utilization, usually through some kind of device, will be converted into mechanical energy or electrical energy for human needs. According to ancient records in our country, the ancient working people in our country invented water mills, water rafts and keel trucks up to 2000 years ago and invented water mills more than 1,700 years ago.