
来源 :农业装备与车辆工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:naizhi1006
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我国首个自主研发的立体式标准化植物工厂已在北京市平谷区建成并正式投入运营。植物工厂是一种新兴农业生产模式,主要用于花卉、蔬菜、药材和食用菌种植栽培,作物栽培可以不受或者很少受外界自然条件制约。单体总面积2.6万m2的农众物联植物工厂共分3层,1层栽培高端食用菌,2层种植山野菜,3层则主要种植茄果类蔬菜,同时兼有物联网现代化农业应用成果展示。据介绍说,该植物工厂满负荷运转下,预计年产蔬菜瓜果约700万kg。据发改委农村经济司巡视员胡恒阳介绍,按目前情况,我国完全实现农产品消费自给需要30亿亩土地,全国 China’s first self-developed three-dimensional standardized plant plants have been built in Beijing’s Pinggu District and officially put into operation. Plant plant is a new agricultural production mode, mainly for the cultivation of flowers, vegetables, herbs and edible fungi, crop cultivation can be little or no external natural conditions. Monolithic area of ​​26000 m2 of peasants things plant plant is divided into three layers, the first layer of cultivated high-end edible mushrooms, 2 layers planted wild vegetables, 3 layers are mainly grown solanaceous vegetables, both Internet of things and modern agricultural applications Achievements show. According to reports, the plant plant at full capacity operation, is expected to produce about 7 million kg of vegetables and fruits. According to Development and Reform Commission Rural Economic Department inspector Hu Hengyang introduced, according to the current situation, China fully realize the need for self-sufficiency in agricultural consumption of 3.0 billion mu of land, the national
<正> 目标:政治稳定与经济革新并驾齐驱70年代末以后,越南经过深思熟虑后开始的改革试验,自1986年12月召开的第6次党代表大会和确立新领导班子开始,迎来了具有决定性的阶段: