
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:just_username
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Completely amelanotic melanomas are rare and therefore often misclassified, with tragic consequences for patients. The use of dermoscopy for these lesions has not been validated yet because of the lack of studies that are based on large series. The analysis of the vascular pattern, which is often the only dermoscopic parameter to be seen, is therefore essential for a correct diagnosis. We present a case of “ true” amelanotic melanoma on the forehead of an 89- year- old man, which clinically mimicked squamous cell carcinoma. The patient was investigated both clinically and by focusing on his dermoscopic features and their pathologic correlates. The dermoscopic diagnostic algorithms routinely used for pigmented lesions are not helpful in diagnosing amelanotic melanoma because they are based on specific parameters not normally seen in amelanotic lesions. In the light of our experience, pattern analysis is the most reliable method for diagnosing these particular lesions correctly because it allows in- depth morphologic analysis of the few parameters found. Completely amelanotic melanomas are rare and therefore often misclassified, with tragic consequences for patients. The use of dermoscopy for these lesions has not been validated yet because of the lack of studies that are based on large series. The analysis of the vascular pattern, which is often the only dermoscopic parameter to be seen, is therefore essential for a correct diagnosis. We present a case of “true” amelanotic melanoma on the forehead of an 89- year- old man, which clinically mimicked squamous cell carcinoma. both clinically and by focusing on his dermoscopic features and their pathologic correlates. The dermoscopic diagnostic algorithms routinely used for pigmented lesions are not helpful in diagnosing amelanotic melanoma as they are based on specific parameters not normally seen in amelanotic lesions. In the light of our experience pattern analysis is the most reliable method for diagnosing these particular products correctly becau se it allows in depth morphologic analysis of the few parameters found.
牛仔具备这样一种大众情人的特性:它的面孔千变万化,但你总是能第一时间将它从人海中辨认出来。 Jeans have such a mass lover’s characteristics: its face is ever-chan
现阶段社会经济迅速发展,但生态环境却急剧恶化,突发性传染病频繁出现,威胁到人们生命安全。高校作为大量人口集中的公共区域,突发性传染病影响正常教学秩序与师生身心健康,产生大量不安定因素。因此从高校需求出发,做好突发性传染性疾病预防控制工作具有现实意义。本文中笔者探讨高校如何构建科学合理的突发性传染病防控体系。  【关键词】高校;突发性;传染疾病;危机管理措施  现如今我国社会突发性传染病频繁爆发,这