三、文稿写作要讲究文字修养 人们常称写文章为“做文章”。这个“做”就要在谋篇布局、凝炼观点、合理剪裁、推敲文字上下功夫。同样的主题、同样的观点、同样的材料,不同的人写出来的文稿大不一样,其中一个很重要的原因,就是在“做”字上下的功夫不一样。而“做”的功夫之大小,取决于文字修养的深浅。我们吃“文字饭”的人,必须不断提高自己的文字修养。 一是要注意不同文稿的特点。党委的文稿种类较多,不同的文稿,在文体、格式、用语上都
Third, the manuscript writing to pay attention to literacy People often say that writing articles as “make an issue.” This “to do” must be in the layout, condensing point of view, reasonable tailoring, scrutiny of text work hard. The same theme, the same point of view, the same material, different people to write the paper is very different, one of the very important reason is that “do” word effort is not the same. The “doing” the size of the martial arts, depending on the depth of writing. We eat “text rice” people, we must continue to improve their literacy. First, we must pay attention to the characteristics of different manuscripts. Party committees have more types of manuscripts and different manuscripts in style, format and terminology